Hi There!

I’m Kaitlyn Sherry, Functional Nutritionist and Certified Nutrition Specialist Candidate (CNS). I am passionate about helping clients break free from food and body obsession while living healthy and happy lives. 

I got into nutrition because of my own health journey. From a young age I struggled with binge eating, being overweight, blood sugar dysregulation, and PCOS. I started my first diet at age 12, went on birth control to “fix” my PCOS, and started Jillian Michaels workouts. From there I struggled with chronic dieting, over exercising, Orthorexia, and body image issues. I had countless symptoms throughout the years that never made sense, I felt bloated, exhausted, and was hyper fixated on losing a few more pounds. Finally, at 25 when I went through a devastating breakup I decided the control over food and my body wasn’t going to bring me the happiness or feeling of self-worth that I thought it would. I worked with a therapist, non-diet dietitian, functional nutritionist, and began my journey of self healing. 

Because of my health issues throughout my life I do believe in supporting the body with nourishing food but in a way that brings peace with food. This led me to want to help other women just like myself who are struggling with countless symptoms, who just want to feel better, and are struggling with body image and their relationship to food.

A Personalized Approach To Your Health

Every person has a unique body, personal health history, and their own life journey. There is not a one size fits all approach to health, which is why traditional dieting never really works. Each person needs their own unique plan for health and that is why I am here, to help you create a personalized plan that works for you!

The Foundation.


Believe it or not, nutrition isn’t really about tracking calories or restricting carbohydrates or fat. It’s actually about providing the body with the right nutrients so it can thrive. This may actually look like eating more food, or eating foods rich in B vitamins to support hormones, blood sugar, and your nervous system. Rather than restricting food we can develop a plan to incorporate all foods, help your body thrive, and reduce symptoms.

Intuitive Eating

After years of dieting and stress around food your hunger signals may not even be available to you. Eating may be rushed and stressful. Together we will work to help you relearn your hunger cues, differentiate between emotional hunger cues and true hunger, and practice mindful eating for proper digestion.

Stress Management

Do you feel like you are running away from a bear all day long and never finding safety? If so I feel you and I’ve been there. When the body is constantly stressed, feeling unsafe, and living in fight or flight, vital nutrients are depleted, digestion is slowed, and hormones can get dysregulated. Together we will work to reduce stress to support the body and just so you can feel better, because no one wants to feel stressed 24/7.

Healing the Gut

Oh the digestive system. If you have been struggling with dieting and disordered eating I know that you probably know the digestive system struggles. SO many factors impact gut health. Together we can work to heal the gut in a way that isn’t a weird detox protocol and will actually help you to button your jeans.

Balancing Hormones

I think every woman at some point in her life was told to try the pill to fix their hormone problems and probably found that their symptoms were still there or got worse when they came off the pill. It is possible to have a normal menstrual cycle by incorporating stress management and adding in vital nutrients.

Functional Health Approach

Finally the functional approach to nutrition! Have you ever been to the doctor with a list of symptoms and you receive your lab work and they tell you “everything looks normal”, but you feel terrible? Yes, I’ve been there! As a functional nutritionist I assess your entire body, all of your symptoms, your history, and address the root of the root of the problem rather than just treating one symptom.

Education & Credentials.

  • Bachelors of Science in Marketing- Adelphi University

  • Masters of Science in Clinical Nutrition- Sonoran University of Health Sciences

  • Nutritional Genomics Certification

  • Breathwork Facilitator Certification

A Few Fun Facts.

  • Paddle boarding is one of my FAVORITE activities

  • Fall Sundays are for football, I’m a big New England Patriots Fan

  • I love eating fresh herbs and veggies from the garden

  • I am a bit of a free spirit and love spontaneous travel, my favorite spots are Costa Rica, Philly, and Boston

  • I make a lot of meals without recipes, it’s not always delicious but its always an experiment

  • Spending quality time with family and friends is extremely important for me